Spices have an effect on mood, desire and person's feelings, so no wonder that in Asia spices are given special significance. But nowadays Ukrainians also have the opportunity to test the miraculous properties of Asian spices, not going to Asia itself. For this purpose it is enough to visit the Asian kitchen & bar "Spicy NoSpicy" in Kyiv, where spices play a fundamental role.

The main dominants of restaurant are open contact kitchen and contact bar. The kitchen here is headed by well-known chef Yuri Priemsky. All processes in the kitchen from cooking to dishes delivery for waiters are open. But the main feature of the kitchen is that the visitors can observe the preparation of dishes and freely communicate with cooks, sitting at the big table top, which separates the kitchen from the hall. Also behind this stand, the chef shares secrets and treats the guests.

project: Spicy • NoSpicy


location: Velyka Vasylkivska st., 114, Kyiv, Ukraine

area: 200 m²

photographer: Andriy Bezuglov

completed in 2018


  • 2020 / Architecture MasterPrize - Winner


The contact bar is an integral part of the institution, because here the bartenders are working on creating the unique cocktail card, so as to better emphasize the taste of Asian dishes. The bar is located in the center of the hall, thereby dividing it into two parts: on one side of the hall guests can observe the cooking processes in the open kitchen, on the other hand - to observe the street rhythm of the city, while from both zones guests can also observe the virtuoso work of bartenders. It is also worth noting that all zones for landing and bar counter have been specially made understated, thanks to which the establishment has 3 levels of height: main dining landing, bar and kitchen understated landings. This added the authenticity to the restaurant, as such landing is inherent in Vietnam.


Asia in "Spicy NoSpicy" is feeling not only in taste, but also in the interior. It is warm and saturated with notes of sunny Vietnam. As well as for the chef in the kitchen it is important to achieve a balance of taste in the dishes, similarly it was important for us to find a balance in interior design. So, the wood of a neutral warm color is balanced by cold aluminum panels with a matte finish, and bright decorative blotches (grids on the ceiling, green plants, carving on columns), like spices in dishes add completeness to the whole image.
