project: Stefano's Fine Food Factory

location: str. Vladimirskaya 4, Kyiv, Ukraine

area: 450 m2

completed: 2010

photo: Andrey Avdeenko

The Italian restaurant is located in the historical part of the city. A small boutique with the oyster bar takes the first floor. The stairway leading from the store to the second floor takes visitors to the restaurant with an entrance to the winter garden. Classical motifs were used to emphasize the establishment’s high status. Our goal was to create a modern restaurant. The interior design neatly combines the Renaissance era and modernist trends. After a number of experiments we found a decorative technique which we called the ‘pixel classics’. This technique is incorporated in furniture parts and architectural elements of the wall decoration. 


Each dining hall in the restaurant reflects mood of different seasons. The hall with aquarium conveys summer. Corals and rocks inside the aquarium are true pieces of art. The oyster bar is white-snow as the winter. And what makes the hall with warm autumn atmosphere unique is a huge round chandelier with 1350 incandescent light bulbs.


Pizza Art